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Davis-Thompson Foundation​

For the Advancement of Veterinary and Comparative Pathology​

Serving veterinary pathology for 50 years (1973-2023)

Who we are

Pathology is the foundation of all medicine, human and veterinary. As pathologists, we study the manifestations and causes of disease in all species of the animal kingdom. 

As researchers and academics, we strive to advance the study of veterinary diseases and the comparison of diseases manifested by diverse species of animals.

We have the largest repository of pathology images in the world. Our unique courses and content are provided by  world-renowned experts and outstanding pathologists in the field.

We pursue and disseminate our knowledge not for its own sake, but to improve the health and well-being of all animals in the world – humans included.

Foundation news


Educational Offerings


Attendee Countries


Course Attendees


Years Experience

Upcoming events

2024 Northeast Veterinary Pathology Conference (NEVPC)

Join us in person for this year's exciting Northeast Veterinary Pathology Conference (NEVPC) meeting with a special focus on zoo and wildlife pathology. Registrants will have the opportunity to see a variety of curious cases and to hear our excellent keynote speaker- Dr. Karen Terio, DVM, PhD, DACVP (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). Participants will be immersed in this fascinating field, whether you're a seasoned, budding biologist, or simply an avid enthusiast of captive and wildlife conservation. Individuals who would like to present a case should contact the course director for details. The deadline for submitting slides is 31 March 2024. Attendees will receive 10 hours of RACE continuing education credit.

Free – $75.00

The 41st Annual West Coast Veterinary Pathology Conference: Jaws – Terrifying Oral Pathology

Join this amazing team of pathologists and presenters for the 41st Annual West Coast Veterinary Pathology Conference at UC Davis (in-person only), where prestigious keynote speakers will share their expertise on Oral Pathology, covering from the elementary to complex, well-known to conundra, supplemented by a series of presentations of exciting cases. The event will have a rich schedule and attendees will be engaged the entire time. You cannot miss this opportunity to sharpen and polish your knowledge on this hard topic!

$20.00 – $150.00

Rodadas de histopatologia do LCPG: Casos variados de animais de dermatopatologia – Dra. Rachel Neto

O LCPG anuncia rodadas especiais de histopatologia abertas ao público, inteiramente dedicadas a alunos de língua espanhola e portuguesa. Esta série terá laminas digitalizadas ou projetadas de casos de patologia didáticos e interessantes. Neste próximo, a Dra. Rachel Neto discutirá casos variados de dermatopatologia. Se você tem interesse nessa área, não deixe de participar!
